It wouldn't be an Arts Festival without lots of art! There were so many booths to browse through, it was a mecca for the shopaholic.

Art was not confined to the "wares", such as painting, ceramics, carvings, metal, etc. It also included food, where you could eat your art purchase and take it home in your stomach!

As the evening wore on, the crowds grew larger and a carnival-like atmosphere emerged. Watching the different types of people who were attracted to the festival was interesting in itself.

I was impressed how someone took chunks of colored glass and melted them into the clear glass. "How'd they do that?" ran through my mind. Of course, I'm sure that for someone it would be an easy process, but for me I kept thinking that there must be some sort of "glass glue" that is used to keep the colored pieces in place while the glass is cooked.

I thought this was a creative use for little odd shaped tiles and was essentially non-functional. Well, maybe not entirely non-functional because all art is functional in a special way. If you had this in your living room and didn't have much to say, you could always ask someone what they thought the artist was trying to convey. I'd probably say, "The artist had some extra tiles and grout laying around and decided to put them in all in one place for good." See, its a great conversation piece.

This tomato was interesting, I liked the colors in the main body of it and how the stem was twisted around. This piece of artwork came all the way from Seattle Washington, it was made by Dehanna Jones. I think it would been a bit redder had it been further south.

Now this guy captured the essence of 25% of the crowd. There are a lot of peace loving types running around at the festival.

This is part of the Benjamin crowd. This reminds me of something funny I saw on Fox the other day. I was watching this promotional for the Family Guy when the dog is drinking this drink and says, "Mmmm, Mokitos." Well, that sounds like a Mexican drink, but actually the word "mokito" means boogers in Spanish...Benjamin has a lot of mokitos.

These two ladies do not have arms covered in tattoos, but in body paint. If you'd like to have something painted on your skin, they're the ones to talk to. Of course, I wonder if they use sterile brushes and wear latex gloves (for you tattooed folks, you'll understand).

Flip side, how about something for the leg? I was thinking that it would be cool to paint a baby cow on the lower know, a calf on your calf!

This guy has these really cool metal sculptures that look like, well, stuff. Of course, this looks like a fish and it was a pretty creative way to put scrap metal back into use. I asked him what gave him the inspiration behind his work. He said that he just sees things in the metal.

This rocket ship was made from stuff he bought at an auction and it just happen to look like parts to a rocket ship, I can see it.

Here's more of his creations in his booth. I think that it would be fun to make stuff out of metal like he does.

Now this is Heavy Metal! Who ever made this drank a lot of beer or smoked those "herbal" cigarettes. This particular sculpture was getting a lot of attention.

"Where's R2D2? I wanna kick his ***!" Now this would be a conversation piece.

Now this was really creative, it is an instrument is called a
Chapman Stick. It has 12 strings and is played by tapping on the strings. It sounded like a full symphony through the amp. We sat and listened to the music he made; which included classical, jazz and modern. Here's a
link to a guy playing music on his Chapman Stick.

This is Richard Turner from Newton Kansas. He and Eric Carroll created these cactus lights that look very real. In the top of them, is a light that shines downward and illuminates the cactus along the ribs. They were simply impressive. I think they'd look good in Sara Palins front yard in Alaska.

Here's another view of them...I should have gone back to his booth after the sunset so you can see them illuminated.
There was so much to take in, we could have spent all night looking at the creative results of these awesome folks.
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