When we met up with Brandy, Benjamin was anxious to get out of his stroller. So we headed to an area set up for kids to burn off some energy.

Although it was called "Toddler Zone" we saw many kids that were well beyond toddler playing on the equipment. I guess we're all toddlers at some level.

Holly was gracious to keep Benjamin entertained while we visited with Brandy. Benjamin was always looking back at us to make sure that we saw him.

This is a "sit n spin" which is suppose to jumble up all the stuff inside. Benjamin made about 2 turns on it and decided that it just didn't do it for him. He found this riding toy that he pushed all over the place. What is it with toddlers, they love to push stuff.

After Benjamin burned off some steam, he sat back and relaxed in his stroller. He watched people of all sorts walk by. A lot of people said they wished they were him, they'd love to just sit back with their feet up and enjoy the sights.

Okay mom, give me five! This was the beginning of playing in the reflecting pool next to the library. Interestingly, the area below this reflecting pool is the kids section. I hope the roof is strong enough and sealed well enough to hold all this water up. Incidently, water weighs in at 8 pounds per gallon for you trivia folks.

After splashing around with the hands, next were the feet. At first, it was just a dip with the toe, then a gentle push into the cold water, then swirling around with the feet...

...which then leads to all out splashing. When we finally convinced Benjamin that it was time to go home, we had to change all of his clothes because he was soaked. But he just loves water!

See mom's hands? Yeah, she had to keep him from jumping in head first. Holly was helping to keep him from doing a swan dive off of the ledge. We have a picture of Holly in the living room and Benjamin is constantly carrying it around. Holly is one of Benjamin's favorites.
It's interesting how Benjamin was oblivious to the Arts Festival. He loves the simple things, like water to splash in, a curb to jump off, a chair to push around, a table to run around...we hope this will last through his teens.
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