No worthy picture

This is my first blog without a picture, simply because I don't have a picture that can capture the essence of the subject matter.

While at work today, Vero called to ask what time I needed to be picked up. In the background I could hear Benjamin whining. I asked her what was wrong, she said that Benjamin wanted the phone, so she gave it to him.

I said, "Hi Benjamin!" expecting the normal silence to follow. I will then carry on a one-sided conversation, making up whatever I can to keep his attention until Vero takes the phone back. However, after asking him if he is having fun with mom, I hear his little voice. Not just whining about wanting something, but his little voice trying to form words. He babbled something and stopped. I then asked if he had a good day at his daycare. He babbled another sentence! This exchange continued for 30 more seconds until he handed the phone back to Vero.

She was as shocked as I was that he actually carried on a conversation. There a moments that will last a lifetime, this is one of them. It is amazing to think that Benjamin, at 18 months of age, actually comprehended that he was talking to his dad on a phone. I am amazed at how it feels to be so humbled at the sound of such a beautiful sweet little voice. Thank you my dear son.

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