His dislikes include:
- Closing the lid to the washer so he can't watch the bubbles,
- Putting his toys away at bedtime,
- Taking his little broom away so he can eat dinner, and
- His car seat...I think he may have to go to therapy later in life to deal with that trauma.
Pin from Mexico, lived with us for a few months so he could study English. Benjamin grew fond of him and loved to play with him. Pin introduced Benjamin to soccer and Benjamin still plays with the soccer ball that Pin gave to him.

A friend gave Benjamin a helicopter for his birthday. Benjamin will pull it around, push the buttons, sing along with the music, dance and put things through the hole at the top of it.

Of course, Mom is his absolute favorite. He is always checking to make sure she is close by.

When she walks away to get something, he immediately drops what he is doing and follows her. We will often tag team it for yoga classes. I'll meet mom at the studio, pick up Benjamin, then trade off for the next class. When we leave, Benjamin will let everyone near know that his mom is in the class.

Playing in the water, whether it is at the local public pool, his sippy cup, or in the bathtub.
Kid equation: water= playtime.

Pushing things. Wherever we go, there is always something that is not stationary...a chair, bench, table, trash can, shopping cart, box, you name it. He simply loves to push things around. He is very curious about everything around him. Few things escape his attention, especially if they're on the floor and are small enough to put in his mouth.
Playing on the swings at the park. I think that Benjamin will somehow end up being a pilot, astronaut, or professional swing installer for the parks.

Although we don't have pictures for his other favorite thing, it is his broom, which is constantly pushed all over. We are hopeful this will continue through his teenage years.
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