Benjamin was intrigued with anything that he can beat on that makes a noise. Beating the the wooden boards gave different tones that was better sounding than the pots and pans back home.
There is this big exhibit that has vacuum tubes that sucks these balls up into the ceiling and then spits them back out somewhere down on the other side.

This particular machine would make the balls bounce all over the place when you turned the crank...the faster the crank, the faster the balls would pop.
Our friends came along with their daughter, Eva Marie who is only 6 months older than Benjamin.

Water is a kids best friend when it comes to fun. Notice how much the kids and moms were dressed alike...interesting.
This is the Little House in the Tree...all of the furniture was kid-sized. Poor parents could only look through the door and watch their little ones play.

Benjamin walked around to see what was there and left. Eva Marie hung around and played with the furniture.

He eventually found something that was full of buttons, which he loves to push...(my laptop and cell phone are the ultimate button toys that he can't wait to get his hands on.)
The police car had a little radio in it that when you pushed the button, it would call headquarters, "Officer needs backup for a 10-701 drug bust..."
Well, that's stretching the truth, but it would call for something and sound the siren.
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