One area that Benjamin especially likes is the Train. It isn't unusual for us to ride the train two or three times everytime we visit the Zoo.

The Zoo strategically placed the train near the main entrance. You can't help but hear the whistle and bells from the train crossing sign. Of course, Benjamin immediately yells "train!" which is our cue to purchase tickets.

On every car, this emblem represents the first railroad tracks laid in 1863 for the Central Pacific Railroad.

Benjamin was telling us what a train sounds like..."choo choo".

Since we were first in line, we could choose any car to sit in. Surprisingly, Benjamin didn't want to sit behind the engine, but perferred to sit in the middle of the train.

Just waiting for more passengers.

Here, Benjamin wanted to drive the train. The engineer was kind enough to let him pose for a picture.
Speaking of playground, this is located just past the tracks. Turn left after exiting the train and you're in kid heaven. A lot of kids burn off cotton candy and parents are provided with plenty of benches to rest their feet.
Benjamin loves to slide or play on anything that has something to do with gravity, inertia, change in elevation or direction.

The playground offer three slides to play on. Of course, Benjamin has to try all three several times to decide which is his favorite.

Going in circles is fun!

Hitting the long enclosed tube slide is a blast!
Once he gets back to solid ground, there is only one thing left to do...climb.
Benjamin is still "learning the ropes" with a little help from mom.

Next step, the corporate ladder.

The next Super (little) Man feat is to jump tall buildings in a single bound.
Of course, you have to start somewhere, as in baby steps (jumps). This is something that mom has taugh him, it's especially fun at the pool when he splashes in the water.
"Okay mom, incubation is complete, I'm outta here!"
"What do you mean that I need to come out of my shell?"
At the entrance of the zoo, there is this giant stone marble that floats on water. Kids love to give it a good shove and watch it spin. As it spins, it is coated with water, which Benjamin finds lots of fun to wipe and splash around.

Next step, the corporate ladder.

The next Super (little) Man feat is to jump tall buildings in a single bound.

The zoo is a great place to play. He really likes the animals, but the train and playground are his favorites (so far).
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