Autumn is when all things seem to slow down, a time to catch your breath and prepare to hibernate. The air becomes crispy cold, days are shorter, the leaves change colors and collect below.

Raking the leaves into a pile is an irrestible playground, especially for a little boy.
Benjamin is assessing the situation. He looked at the pile of leaves and decided that it needed to have a little boy jump right into the middle of it.
Woo hoo! He plowed right into the middle of the pile. He liked the crunching noise that they made.

Okay, you caught me making a mess of this pile, but it sure was fun!

Look Mom, I can tread leaves! He looks like Michael Phelps preparing to take the plunge in the 100 meter butterfly.

Benjamin was having a lot of fun picking up the leaves and throwing them in the air.

These leaves haven't experience enough "air" time, so I'll help them.

Be free and fly again!

I was simply amazed at the beauty of the yellow against the stark blue sky.
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