Where we live is surrounded by parks and playgrounds. Sugarhouse Park has 3 popular playgrounds, within 3 blocks are two playgounds, one at a church and Stratford Park.

Today the weather was warm, without rain for the first time in 3, yes I said 3 weeks! Everyday, it has been raining, especially in the afternoons when we come home from work. We took Benjamin down to the park that had the best playground for his age, the toys are just his size. Vero bought Benjamin this trike which is a parents back saver. A handle attaches so you can push him. But the big plus is that you can also steer the trike by turning the handle. The pedals also ratchet, so if Benjamin decides that he wants to stop pedaling, it won't bring the trike to an abrupt stop.

We arrived at the playground and Benjamin was very excited.

As you can see, Benjamin is having a ball, squealing each time we go higher. He LOVES to swing!

Mom is having fun with Benjamin on the swing too.

This is a tunnel that we play peek-a-boo with Benjamin. On occassion, we will play with his ball cap, putting through different holes. He will laugh as we tease him with it.

There are these two megaphone pipes at opposite ends of the playground equipment. Benjamin loves it when we make funny noises to each other. I was barking like a dog at him and this dog around the corner started barking back.

He loves to pick up the bark on the ground and throw it. His throwing skills have improved quite a bit during the past few months. He is deadly with his wooden blocks.

Here we are, headed home for dinner and a bath. Benjamin was watching this other little boy and his dad kick a ball around.

Things were going very well on the way home...until we passed another playground. Benjamin jumped off of his trike and started running across the parking lot towards the equipment. We had to coax him back and he reluctantly came. We made it home alright and Benjamin ate, had his bath, and went to bed happy.
aw, he's quite a cute one, and he looks like he had a blast. What a wonderful childhood?!
Man, I'm having trouble keeping up with all your posts! They're interesting though, so keep it coming. I liked (finally) seeing a pic with you in it! Sweet Baby James looks happy as a lark swinging with you!
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