This was the view to the east from our camping spot. A road wound up the mountain behind the waterfall. I wanted to take it, but there was just too much rain and mud. I watched a lot of rock crawling jeeps and 4-wheelers head up the road.
Edwin and our friends eventually made it to camp...at 10:30 PM! We relaxed and played with Benjamin until they arrived. I attempted to start a campfire, but it rained again and put it out.
This is the beginning of Day 3 for our Moab adventure. Our camper is on the left and Edwin's is on the right. The little red car brought 3 sisters and 1 boyfriend. The 3 sisters stayed in our camper and the boyfriend slept in the car. Edwin had a tent for the boyfriend to stay in, but it was raining too much to set it up.

This is becoming one of my favorite shots to capture evidence of rain...it's dripping off of our awning.
After we ate breakfast, we decided to head towards Arches National Park. This was the view as we followed Edwin towards Moab.

This is what I saw in the rearview mirror...yup, those are rain clouds gathering.

Here's Moab...ahhhh. We simply LOVE Moab, there is no other place like it. We are so lucky to live so near this place. Its popularity is evident by all of the out of state plates seen.

On the way to the entrance to Arches, we crossed the Colorado River. Notice how the trees are underwater...it was running deep and fast. River trips are very popular here.
We made it.

This is the view from the road that winds up the cliff. The blacktop road below is the entrance to Arches. If you look to the lower right of this picture, you can see some copper colored sand. This is a huge sand dune that people will sled down like a snowbank. The cool thing is that it never melts.

In the distance, this is a view of the LaSalle mountains.

Our first stop was the Park Avenue Trail. It is a short trail that meanders through a valley of towering standstone rocks. The best way to experience this trail is to drop off those who want to walk it down hill and meet you at the parking lot at the bottom. Otherwise, going down is easy, but not returning.

The beginning of the trail has steep stairs. I was a bit nervous with Vero walking down them with Benjamin in the backpack. However, with our friends around her, they were quick to offer a steady hand.

Benjamin simply loves the backpack, as we do. He can see what is happening and talks to mommy about the things he's pointing at.

Here, Vero paused with Getsie and Esther for a quick photo.

I found this rock interesting, it looks like a very serious face or like one of those stones found on Easter Island.

More evidence of the rain in Moab. Actually, I took this picture because it is such a rare thing to see standing water in this part of the country.

Vero talked me into hiking with her an Benjamin half way down and then we'd turn around and go back to the car. The best plans don't turn out the way intended. When we were almost to the parking lot below, Vero said it was time to turn around and head back. Hiking UP was much different with Benjamin. After hiking and adjusting the backpack, we decided that I'd hike back up and get the car and meet her down at the parking lot. We parted and I started my hike back up. I'm always a fast walker, so I expected to meet her in waiting in the parking lot.

This is becoming one of my favorite shots to capture evidence of rain...it's dripping off of our awning.

This is what I saw in the rearview mirror...yup, those are rain clouds gathering.

Here's Moab...ahhhh. We simply LOVE Moab, there is no other place like it. We are so lucky to live so near this place. Its popularity is evident by all of the out of state plates seen.

On the way to the entrance to Arches, we crossed the Colorado River. Notice how the trees are underwater...it was running deep and fast. River trips are very popular here.

This is the view from the road that winds up the cliff. The blacktop road below is the entrance to Arches. If you look to the lower right of this picture, you can see some copper colored sand. This is a huge sand dune that people will sled down like a snowbank. The cool thing is that it never melts.

In the distance, this is a view of the LaSalle mountains.

Our first stop was the Park Avenue Trail. It is a short trail that meanders through a valley of towering standstone rocks. The best way to experience this trail is to drop off those who want to walk it down hill and meet you at the parking lot at the bottom. Otherwise, going down is easy, but not returning.

The beginning of the trail has steep stairs. I was a bit nervous with Vero walking down them with Benjamin in the backpack. However, with our friends around her, they were quick to offer a steady hand.

Benjamin simply loves the backpack, as we do. He can see what is happening and talks to mommy about the things he's pointing at.

Here, Vero paused with Getsie and Esther for a quick photo.

I found this rock interesting, it looks like a very serious face or like one of those stones found on Easter Island.

More evidence of the rain in Moab. Actually, I took this picture because it is such a rare thing to see standing water in this part of the country.

Vero talked me into hiking with her an Benjamin half way down and then we'd turn around and go back to the car. The best plans don't turn out the way intended. When we were almost to the parking lot below, Vero said it was time to turn around and head back. Hiking UP was much different with Benjamin. After hiking and adjusting the backpack, we decided that I'd hike back up and get the car and meet her down at the parking lot. We parted and I started my hike back up. I'm always a fast walker, so I expected to meet her in waiting in the parking lot.
When I finally parked the car, Vero was nowhere. I asked Edwin if he had seen her and he was surprised that she wasn't with me. We immediately headed up the trail. When we rounded a corner at a wash, we found her happily hiking along with Benjamin talking and pointing. She was very surprised to see me.
Stay tuned for more of our Moab adventure...
1 comment:
I loved following w/U n fam. on trip to Moab.Really awesome.
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