Before we went to Wheeler Farm, we met our friends at a local diner for breakfast. Here, Benjamin was eating and playing around with one of his favorite friends, Holly.

Benjamin outgrew his carrier seat and no longer had to face backwards. He loves this seat because he can stretch his legs and see what is happening in front of the car. Since we put the new seat in, Benjamin has started interacting more with us. He especially loves to listen to music and clap along.

There was an area where a local high school put on their version of "High School Musical".

One vendor offered to teach you how to fly helicopters. Benjamin thought this was just a big push toy.

This was a climbing wall that the Army recruiter brought. I guess that if you can climb it, then you should or could play army.

Holly and Benjamin were playing with a balloon while watching the High School Musical kids dance and sing.

The Home Depot provided a bunch of wood projects that parents and kids could assemble together.
Brandy and Holly worked on a picture frame. Me and Benjamin worked on a miniature wheelbarrow. Venus, Jorge and Eva Marie worked on a picture stand.

We are simply elated for Venus and Jorge, as their newest edition is due in a few weeks.

Here, Benjamin was helping by hammering on a wood block. He has a toy hammer at home, so it came naturally to bang on something.

I helped Benjamin drive a nail into our project.

Jorge read the directions to Venus so she could assemble their project.

While I was putting the finishing touches on our wheelbarrow, Eva Marie and Benjamin found a new friend. The basset hound was so friendly and enjoyed the attention they gave to him. Benjamin is still pretty cautious about petting dogs, but he always points at them when he sees them.
This is Brandy, she is a dear friend of ours who has been there for us since day one. Holly is very lucky to have such a wonderful grandma.

There were so many things going on that caught Benjamin and moms attention.

Mom's and babies were simply glowing. The weather and atmosphere was warm and happy.

A train was operating that pulled passengers around the grounds. Benjamin was in awe when it drove by. Holly and Benjamin were in the caboose.

Vero and Eva Marie rode together in the car in front of Benjamin and Holly. They enjoyed the ride.

Here's a live band that played. It was amusing to see middle-aged men trying to act like teenagers by "rocking out". The one guitar player was jumping around, acting like he was playing to a sold out stadium. It was especially amusing when he got down on his knees and nearly fell backwards while hitting some high notes. We wish that we could all be 16 again.

The bouncy town was popular for a lot of kids. Benjamin is a bit too small to go into these with all the bigger kids.

There were vendors everywhere...

In the background is the main barn at Wheeler Farm. In the barn is a meeting area, displays of historical items and an art gallery. The barn is often rented for weddings, receptions and other events.

This was a pretty fun vendor. "Luke, I am your father..." They offered various constumes for people to change into to catch the mood.

"You don't know the power of the dark side. Who is this wookie in a ball cap and sunglasses?"

We wandered over to the animal area. When we near the sheep pen, one found Benjamin's stroller tray particularly interesting. I figure it must be the smell of fruit that Benjamin had in one of the compartments earlier.

Benjamin wasn't sure if he should pet this "dog".

This was a new calf that looked so cute, I just had to take its picture.

I call this one "Holly Cow Batman!"

Benjamin loves the tractors. Anything mechanical with levers, steering wheels, pedals or knobs, he wants to play with them.
1 comment:
Awesome pics and stories. You lead busy lives! My favorite recent pic is the one of you helping Sweet Baby James hammer something.
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